Tuesday 20 April 2010

How to Cast Your Bait To The Exact Same Spot Every Time

As a Carp specimen hunter I have fished many well known venues and being able to cast to the exact same spot every time is essential if you are going to succeed in catching that big one. There is no point spoding out 10lb of bait all over the lake and then casting your hook baits yards from where you need to be, there is a sure fire way to get your spod bait and hook bait in exactly the same spot every single time, when a friend of mine showed me this technique my catch rate improved dramatically.

Let me give you a scenario that I am sure you have all come across. You arrive at the lake and you pick you peg, the lake is well known for weed and before you can start to fish you have to find a clear area which you can spod out to and cast your hook baits to. I keep this simple, I setup one rod and cast to an area that I like the look of, before you do this pick a specific feature on the far bank, could be a tree, building or set of lily pads, anything will do, this will be your casting line, you will always aim for this line. At this point I have no rig attached just my weight. I then retrieve the weight by very slowly pulling the rod towards me, you will easily feel the weight pulling through the weed, reel in the slack line and pull the rod backwards again, when you find a clear spot you will feel the difference as the weight moves freely across the bottom, this is the weed free area, stop pulling, this is the spot you want!.

Now, you need to be able to cast to this exact spot every time, accuracy is key to your success. This is what we do now, you have your weight in the clear, weed free area, don't move it, simply get some electrical tape and put a small piece at the end of your rod tip, just wrap the tape around the line and trim off, this gives you a marker on line, so when you recast using the feature on the far bank you picked earlier you simply reel the line in until you can see that tape at the end of the rod tip, now you have your bait in exactly the same spot and distance every time you cast out!

Now do the same for your second rod, use the same method and you have two rods that you can cast out to a clear area in exactly the same spot every time!.

As you probably already know Carp fishing requires lots of bait, especially if you are on a long session and fishing through the night. you have to be able to spod your free baits out to this exact spot where your hook baits are going to be, so how do we do this? this is how.

You already have your line of cast, remember we picked the features on the far bank?, so we use the same features, that way we know we have the correct line, but how are we going to get the distance right for the spod rod, we have no tape on the line, this is what we do. Get one of the bait rods with the tape on the line, put your reel on free spin or take the bail arm off and walk up the bank with the end of the line in your hand, when you get to the tape at the end of the rod tip stop, this is the correct distance, lay the line on the ground, it will stay there as you have your weight attached. Now simply get the spod rod and do the same, walk up the bank to where you left the other line, hen you get there, don't put tape on the spod rod line just go back to the reel and clip the line up on the reel, most reels have line clips!.

Now you can cast the spod rod out and it will hit the line clip and exactly the right distance, how easy is that!.

I hope you enjoyed this tip, it has worked wonders for me, you can always email me if you need any further help at the address below, tight lines and remember accuracy is critical to your fishing success. If you would like more great tips please feel free to visit my site, http://www.FishingGuide4u.com

Steve Kempson
email - L.kempson@btinternet.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Kempson

Monday 19 April 2010

Locating Carp Using Visual Features of the Lake

Many carp anglers have a habit of turning up at a place that they think looks the best or one where a few friends have caught carp before. However, carp will always feed in places where they feel safe, and if anglers are catching carp regularly from a certain place, then the carp will eventually associate the area with danger rendering that hotspot useless.

Many carp fishermen often believe that if they're not catching it's probably due to the wrong type of rig, but even if you're using the best rig in the world (which is impossible because there's no such thing!) you cannot possibly catch carp if there aren't any around the swim!

So, if you want to catch more carp on any water, then you must locate the carp before choosing a peg. This is not an easy task, especially if there is a cross wind blowing on the lake. But there are basic things to look out for before fishing for carp.

As you arrive at the lake, spend some time just watching the water looking for signs of carp movement or carp feeding. Try to look for fish rolling or crashing in the distance. You may need to bring some binoculars for this task. Look for feeding bubbles close in the margins as you walk round the lake, if the bubbles are not static and slowly travel across the water, then it's more than likely to be fish. Look for large swirls or movements on the surface of the lake. Okay it may not be carp, but surely it's better to catch a tench or bream than nothing!

Watch for carp jumping out of the surface of the water, especially around the middle of the lake or areas where nobody tends to fish.

If you can't see any of these signs within an hour or two, then you can try other ways of locating carp. A good tip is to choose an area where there are no fishermen at all. In other words, if three-quarters of the lake is taken then choose a peg somewhere in the other quarter. If you see one of the best pegs empty, but there are carp anglers all around it then stay away as the pressure of the surrounding anglers can drive carp out of the area. Even if some are catching carp it may be just the odd few fish swimming through their patrol routes. If you turn up on a lake at the weekend and most of the pegs are taken, then go where you have to, and if possible, cast into the middle as far from other lines as possible. The lines all around the lake may force carp into the middle area of the lake. Remember the carp can hear all those leads splashing in the water even from a distance, and if the lake is pressured the constant splashes may just push most carp into the furthest regions of the lake.

Think about the weather conditions, not just on that day, but also how has the weather been over the previous days. If it's been hot, the shallow waters will be warm, and carp will head toward those warmer regions, especially in the cold mornings when the sunshine hits the shallow water.

There are other ways of detecting possible hotspots. Just from looking at a lake's visible features you may be able to find possible holding areas or sections where carp patrol. The most common areas where carp like to patrol are:

Weed beds
Lilly pads
Reed rush beds
Overhanging trees
Wind direction
Shallow water

Let's discuss each of the above in more detail.

Islands are a common area where carp tend to patrol, because they offer some protection and cover - providing there are overhanging trees which protrude over the water. The carp may feed freely around an island providing carp anglers do not target these areas too often as the pressure can force carp to seek other quiet areas. Fishing an island on a new venue can be a safe bet, especially on a quiet day, plus an island can make a great marker for accurate casting without having to use a marker float which may spook the carp if used too much.

Weed beds
Casting towards weed beds can be a nightmare for many anglers. There can be many problems with hook bait presentation, and if a carp is eventually hooked, you'll need to stop it from diving into the thick parts of the weed. The good news is carp love weed beds. It makes them feel safe and tends to contain lots of natural food. So if you are struggling to locate carp using sight alone then fishing close to a weed bed can produce plenty of carp.

Lilly pads
These are similar to the weed beds in that they provide shelter and food for the carp, thus they are a great place to place a hook bait, especially for floating bait in-between individual pads. The only downside to fishing the lilies is they are often situated near the bank so you may need to be quiet when setting up.

Reed rush beds
Again these are a good place to see carp patrolling, however like lilly pads, they are often situated close to a bank so the carp may not feel as safe. This may effect how confidently they feed.

Overhanging trees
I believe overhanging trees are one of the best places to head for when fishing on a new, unknown venue. They provide carp with plenty of security and shelter, and I have personally witnessed carp feeding very confidently. I have also seen some of the biggest carp caught from under a tree. The reason I believe they are so good is because many anglers neglect them. I see many carp anglers cast far out towards the horizon without giving a thought to the trees or fishing the margins. Many trees also grow berries which are a natural food for the fish so they may associate overhanging trees as a natural area for feeding.

Snaggy areas can be some of the best places to find carp. Carp often associate these areas as safe because many anglers won't risk fishing in snags. However, if you're prepared to take some risks, you may be able to find a spot just away from the snags where (if you fish with tight lines and stand close to your rods) you may be able to drag the carp away before they have chance to head for the safety of a snag.

Wind direction
The direction of the wind is a common reason why many carp anglers end up in their chosen peg. The common belief is that carp follow the wind. I agree, although I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because it helps push food towards the windward bank, or maybe it helps stir up food at the far bank. I have also read that the wind can help push the thermocline down deeper. The carp tend to follow and swim in this comfortable, warmer water and thus end up closer to the bottom where rigs are placed. Whatever the reason, I do not believe it's always necessary to fish the far bank (windward bank) where the wind is heading. Sometimes it's best to fish on the back of a colder wind, especially at times of the year when the oxygen levels in the water are high.

Shallow waters
The shallow waters may not sound like a potential hotspot, but if you turn up to a new venue on a cold morning and the sun is beaming down into the shallow end of the lake, I guarantee there will be carp around the area. Shallow waters warm up much faster in the morning sun, and carp will always seek out warm spots.

Wayne Mcgregor has had years of experience fishing for carp in the UK. He has caught carp from many types of lakes and pools around England. His website reveals tons of ideas and tactics on how to catch more carp.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wayne_Mcgregor

Sunday 18 April 2010

Carp fishing bait

So how do you begin to formulate a homemade bait that will compete with all those expensive ready made baits? This is a long piece on this subject that will give you a practical insight into the formulation and impacts of using highly successful economical homemade baits against more expensive ready made baits - so read on!

Many anglers seem to get the completely wrong idea and actually begin with thoughts about flavours and ingredients instead of the most powerful and obvious starting point, the one that will guarantee success! When your starting point is the fish themselves you are thinking much more closely like a fish than like an angler who has all kinds of personal preferences about baits which very frequently bear very little relationship with what carp senses most respond to in terms of feeding.

For instance, I went on a rare trip to a commercial water last week and using my own homemade baits, I out-fished the 15 guys fishing during the period fished who were literally all using popular ready made baits. So what does this say about the thinking and fishing approach of the average carp angler? Some of the guys either side of me were getting very frustrated with their ready made baits which had cost them in some cases over 10 pounds a kilogram. Also the baits they were using have been very successful in the past on a range of waters including this very one fished and some other ready made baits other guys were using were newer to the water than the longer-established ready made baits. My baits which had never been experienced by the fish before did so well for many powerful reasons.

I even showed my baits to some of the other anglers. I explained that my free baits and hook baits were quite savoury and sweet tasting at the same time and had a taste that lingered on the tongue with only had a very subtle smell. The guys did not seem impressed with these which is a shame because they certainly out-fished the fruit flavoured ready made bait someone had given me to field test which these guys seemed to like a lot more even though it did not perform as well!

Ideally you will begin with the fishes essential dietary requirements because by doing this you are guaranteed to give fish many reasons to eat your bait. But in a competitive fishing environment where many baits supply quality nutrition many other factors give you the edge. For example if your bait actually performs better in water at pulling fish into your swim for instance, or at improving the amount of bait fish are willing to repeatedly swallow even beyond the amounts they would usually feel full up. You might have palatability improving additives that increase the likelihood that your baits are actually consumed instead of merely being mouthed.

It is a fact that you can make your own homemade baits so potently stimulatory that carp will actually rub their bellies and fins on them to get even more of those goodies out of them. Such potent over-dosed baits are ideal for pulling maximum numbers of fish into your swim while you can use under-dosed hook baits that fish will devour instantly. (Note in this example I am not referring to over-dosing using flavours.)

There are so many incredible secrets about baits. The way baits interact with water is absolutely vital and the leverage of the substances of your baits is severely limited by your skills at feeding free baits in the right volumes, regularity and patterns and so on to suit every fishing situation.

Altogether too many ready made carp baits are simply too indigestible to offer very many competitive advantages over better designed baits and many ready made baits offer so many bog standard ingredients that carp have been force-fed on for decades that they simply do not need to eat them as the essential requirements they supply have pretty much been permanently satiated.

One of the biggest secrets is to offer your carp something different and preferably unique to you alone. This might be just one ingredient or additive or the actual omission of many of the more frequently used ingredients and additives. The fish really know the difference and I know that this is a very strong reason for some of the big bait companies to use a product called Cypry Spice from a bait company called Willis Worms in Wales to replace the old very familiar Robin Red.

Just one way you can achieve this is in the unique and purposely differentiated ratios, levels and combination's of ingredients and additives in both powdered and liquid forms that you apply in your baits (and ground baits) within digestible and practicable limitations. Personally I prefer to source unique additives and ingredients and natural flavour components that all enhance the impacts of each other as much as possible to induce repeated carp feeding for as long as possible. Experiencing this in action while actually fishing is such a great buzz of confidence and this is one of the most exciting things about preparing, making and using homemade baits

For example for my session last week I made up a large volume of extremely cheap bait based mainly around a combination of a liquid fish protein (not the all too familiar L030,) and fish oil, and a high PC lecithin used in very high levels. This was added to a very simple base mix which contained the basic dietary essential carp requirements and had a very good and practically proven digestibility. This means that this bait is eaten and digested comparatively quickly at relatively little energy cost to the fish compared to so many other baits. This also means that the fish get to instinctively feel all the components and benefits of eating this bait and very quickly are ready to consume more of it which as you can imagine is a huge advantage when session fishing!

While fishing my session last week I was baiting up extremely regularly to combat the impacts of bait-robbing roach and bream shoals and still getting big fish rolling over my baits and seeing fish feeding on the baits along with accompanying fish catches. It got to the stage that the ready made bait guys fishing either side of me were scratching their heads and simply hoping for a bite. I noticed these guys only had 2 or three kilograms of bait and were introducing that sparingly, not even realising that the bulk of it was being whittled away within the hour by marauding roach and other smaller species!

Sure you can catch fish fishing small amounts of bait or single hook baits but actually controlling fish behaviours by leveraging the impacts of free baiting is one of the most powerful edges in carp fishing and is the cornerstone of top level match-fishing success! I used to fish with a guy who match-fished for England youth as well as a friend from school called Dion who match fished for England for many years and ground bait figured in the strategic thinking in many ways and although I was able to use this to out-fish them while carp fishing and sea fishing, they both taught me loads along the way and of course we never stop learning!

A very big part of their problem just how expensive their ready made baits were, after all few anglers can keep spending 10 pound a kilogram on bait added to high ticket prices, food, traveling costs etc, and be able to use enough bait to compete by actually leveraging bait to maximum effect. By making your own bait of course this is not a problem and in fact is the only way I can afford to compete with bait-sponsored anglers myself. On such waters the use of boilies really is important because the smaller species are very definitely not so small and will destroy a carefully introduced bed of particles or ground bait or pellets within minutes. When the roach reach 3 pounds and average 1 pound alongside other specimen tench, crucian carp etc the application of the correct free bait is crucial for outstanding success.

The big point here is the actual leverage of bait and being able to maximize its impacts on carp. To do this you need to sustain enough dissolved substances in the water in and around your swim to pull those carp in and keep them interested long enough for the biggest fish to compete amongst themselves and give you a very good shot at a multiple big fish catch - by design!

You simply cannot do this consistently when fishing on a budget with a only a couple of kilograms of bait on waters teaming with specimen-sized smaller species, be it giant roach, bream, crucian carp, single figure carp, specimen tench, nuisance catfish and others. The attentions of all these fish can be harnessed to actually attract more carp into your swim buy only if you use enough bait in the right way in correct situations to do it, (many top anglers really are masters at doing this!)

In fact many very consistent big carp anglers are not particularly technically skilled but have an incredible if not instinctive talent for maximising the application and leverage of the impacts of bait. I feel this subject is much misunderstood and is a vital leveller of talent, time and money between anglers of lesser resources who deserve to catch and not blank or suffer comparatively poor catches when exceptional catches are actually within their reach with enough knowledge put into practice!

I saw all around me guys using pellets, standard 14 and 18 millimeter boilies for example, ready made ground bait balls and method mixes that the big roach shoals were tearing into. A lot of the guys were reeling in with their ready made baits completely whittled off their rigs so you can imagine the impact of the small fish on their free baits!

By contrast I was applying 2 distinct types of baits to my swim to counteract the problem of smaller fish and also to allow the carp to get a smell and taste of my baits and leading them to making mistakes with my hook baits! By strange coincidence, much of the bait I had prepared had been designed to deal with the crayfish in another water I was going to fish and did not. In this particular case my boilies were of 2 types; soft semi-boiled boilies for free baiting, and rock hard super-boosted hook bait boilies absolutely packed with naturally potent triggers and other vital substances to provide competitive edges.

Many of my free baits were well over 25 millimeters in size and none were made to be round but rather all were odd shaped and were in fact not prepared by rolling at all. Only a small proportion of the free baits were of around the standard 12 or 14 millimeter sizes. These free baits were designed to dissolve within about 4 hours of immersion thereby doing the maximum work in pulling and triggering fish while not giving them much time to actually eat them! The vast majority of ready made boilies will not break down for at least 8 to 36 hours or longer so you can see how much their effectiveness is limited by their actual form; the preference of average anglers for durable hard boilies as free baits and hook baits has many drawbacks!

I have seen with my own eyes very big carp actually fanning away standard round boilies in order to be able to pick up smaller odd shaped baits in safety. (On the lake bed odd shaped baits are very often standard round boilies which have been in the water a while, long enough for smaller fish to whittle them down in size and shape and which wary carp view with far less suspicion as these hook them far less than whole round baits!)

By contrast though, my hook baits and a proportion of matching free baits were of a totally different design and were super-boosted with natural triggers and were rock hard. These baits were of very small size and about as far from conventional machine-rolled shape, texture, density etc that you could imagine. These baits in large sizes where used in PVA bags and a very hard paste in large sized pieces were also used to very good effect.

This might all sound like common sense and to some of you like hard work, but I paid my money to fish the commercial fishery just the same as the other 15 anglers there but I spent less on my bait and still had better results despite them using the most popular brands of ready made baits. In part due to my 30 years in carp fishing, my own scientific research and long bait-making experience and my fellow BCSG friends my interest in bait and fish senses, metabolism, health, etc and my ability to improve my baits has come a very long way, and every week I get to learn new things to give me more competitive fishing edges and even more economical baits!

You may not be into master antioxidants, metabolic stimulants, bioactive flavour components or sorting the first to third limiting amino acids in your bait recipes. But I can assure you that just a few of the most powerful secrets will multiply your catches to the degree you will shudder at just how much time in hours and money in under-performing baits you will have wasted over the coming years in your possible ignorance. Having said that no-one knows everything about baits and most bait company bosses appear to have certain gaps in their knowledge.

There is are hard core of bait company bosses who by definition have been doing it for decades longer than anyone else and know far more in theoretical and practical terms as a result but even these top guys often have to compromise performance aspects of their bait due to the actual sensory and practical preferences of their human customers and their price sensitivity too! This gives the homemade bait maker enormous opportunities to out-fish very many popular ready made baits; certainly many of the most successful homemade baits I have made could not be offered commercially because buyers simply would not relate to them as conventional carp baits at all and would not buy them; unfortunately such is the mentality of the average angler and shows just how much they have been conditioned as much as carp! Having an open mind about bait is a definite advantage!

There are also very many bait company guys out there who are really just starting out with pretty limited actual working knowledge of even a handful of recipes of ready made baits they might be offering. Certain further gaps in knowledge might be in connection with various aspects of carp senses operations and in maximizing their exploitation potential, or in regards to how certain sweet substances impact physiologically to change DNA, carp preferences and taste cells cross adaptation impacts, or what to include to actually regulate carp blood sugar levels beneficially.

Significantly it might be some bait company bosses over-look completely the long-term (behaviour-forming) impacts of more obscure antioxidant additives on carp preferences, or the deeper aspects of enhancing impacts of certain non, semi-essential and essential amino acids for various effects using any of a whole range of substances, or even in regards to exactly how flavours work etc! (Many of the best flavours work well beyond simple potentiation of nerve cells. Never forget that as carp detect certain substances down to as little as 6 parts per million concentration, every single thing you put in a bait and in the swim can have impacts on results to some degree even if you cannot smell it!)

Every aspect of your bait can be used as a competitive advantage so attention to detail is of vital importance because it is this that can very seriously multiply your catches!

As a couple of quick tips, even if you have been making baits for a while, why not try out very high levels of Ccmoore Feedstim XP powder in your baits with their awesome Odyssey XXX liquid, or why not be very different and try this unique combination of premium grade salmon protein, high PC lecithin and pure Scottish salmon oil from my friend Phil at CW Baits and Carp fishing pellets. (This combination did fantastic last week and it also out-fished all the ready made baits it was fished against this past winter and was a combination I chose to exploit last week in my very cheap but successful homemade baits!) Phil started out as a premium koi food supplier and now offers some unique exceptional bait ingredients and very high quality very digestible baits (amino-sorted!) I know he is looking for some bait testers due to expanding his range of HNV baits so do contact him right away!)

I hope this makes you consider what savings you can make over the years and also the improved catches over your peers you are potentially missing out on right now! For much more information on making outstanding competitive homemade baits (and at a fraction of the cost of ready made baits) whether boilies, pellets, ground baits, boosted particles, meats, fish and natural baits etc, why not get my unique big carp bait secrets guides at my site called Baitbigfish and improve your catches and bank balance simultaneously!

By Tim Richardson.

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: "BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!" "BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!" And "BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!" For these and much more now visit: http://www.baitbigfish.com Home of world-wide proven ready made and homemade bait success secrets bibles!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_F._Richardson

Thursday 8 April 2010

Homemade Fishing Boilies

Homemade Fishing Boilies and Recipes For Big Carp and Catfish!

If you are a beginner or experienced homemade bait making angler there are always new exciting things to discover to improve your results and keep ahead of the fish - and other competing baits! To make baits that work the very most consistently for big fish it takes a deep knowledge and long experience both in designing baits and in refining them to ensure they perform most consistently; and no-one knows it all! This article is about making a big fish bait - so let us look at a few background details first.

The concept of making little round balls of food for fish like carp and other species has a very long history and even back in the sixteenth century and beyond there are historical references to such activities utilising various protein-rich ingredients, binders, sweeteners and enhancers and so on. In the UK Fred Wilton pioneered the modern version of making baits that delved much deeper into essential fish dietary requirements in order to exploit them to make baits that fish would find many highly attractive and stimulating reasons to consume to the effect that the more they ate the more they would want them!

The HNV or high nutritive value bait approach is just one angle - these baits are rich but other baits can also hook fish although they may be far less nutritional as in the case of over-flavoured baits for instance; but readymade baits did not always exist and various other approaches to homemade baits work although usually you need to be a better angler to keep catching on instant baits compared to HNV baits!

Back in the days when fishing was extremely secretive the original HNV baits were built around caseins and other caseinates that provided extremely high levels of protein and stimulating and attractive amino acids that naturally turn fish onto feeding, although many other additives and ingredients were also used including liver, fish and yeast powders and meals etc.

In the earlier days of carp fishing it was the milk proteins that had a dramatic impact on big fish catches for those making such potent homemade baits as readymade baits did not exist at that time and it was in later decades that fish meals and bird food baits and other combinations that really took precedence and making unique homemade baits is still incredibly popular - with good reason!

As time went by milk protein baits became less popular as anglers came to use more economical nutritional ingredients and additives that also worked for big fish such as the fish meals and bird foods etc, and it was increasingly well-known that successful HNV baits did not require the extremely high protein levels that had been used in decades past. Catfish, carp and many species can be trained - just like dogs or humans to come back for more food once a regular supply is established that provides essential nutrition and this response in instinctive in all animals as they are hard-wired to be energy-efficient as possible in order to survive.

As highly nutritional value forms of homemade baits and readymade baits provide many reasons for fish to consume them they are success for small and large fish providing for many of their essential needs and because of how they work, unique homemade HNV baits can be great baits for catching big fish against anglers who have been hammering fish on popular ready made baits where the fish are obviously wary of familiar baits and this makes them even harder to catch - and where homemade baits really come into their own!

Knowing how to manipulate and exploit fish behaviours and instinctive needs internally by bait substance secrets is the most powerful starting point in beginning to design fishing baits - and not just knowing a bit about a few additives, ingredients or flavours! Finding out about fish internally is really exciting because the more you know how to manipulate your fish using the leverage of baits substance secrets the easier they can be to catch! Knowledge really is power that leads to far better than average catches of big fish!

Once you have discovered a great deal about fish and their inner needs and workings then selecting bait ingredients is much easier and you can choose how you design your baits will masses of confidence because your baits will be built on what fish response strongly to and not just your personal preferences and guesswork! I began making homemade baits in the early seventies when literally everybody else was too and it was very hard to get information about the internal workings and interactions of bait substances and fish but I enthusiastically pursued this passion for decades to the point where many bait company bosses ask me for ingredients and bait reviews, articles on their products and so on.

Things are much easier today in terms of finding uniquely stimulating ingredients and additives because the internet has provided endless suppliers of ingredients, additives etc; some can from bait companies but many substances come from other sources and using what bait companies do not sell is a very serious edge indeed in making homemade baits from particles, ground baits or pastes and boilies etc!

Years ago when so many anglers used milk protein baits these were mostly used in small amounts because they normally worked very fast and effectively compared to other baits of the time and it was just not necessary to pile in loads and loads of bait to catch loads of big fish! The original HNV baits were so high in protein they could fill fish up prematurely before being caught and also because the ingredients were costly it was far from the done thing to introduce 10 kilograms of free bait at the beginning of a fishing session unlike many anglers do as a habit today!

Introducing many kilograms of bait really was a product of the use of much cheaper bird foods and fish meals and other forms of nutritional baits; but always remember you only need one bait in the right place on a suitable rig to hook a fish and you certainly do not need to make many kilograms of the most potent homemade baits to equal the results of the vast majority of the most expensive ready made baits!

In making homemade baits and adapting established ready made baits to give them a new lease of live and improved performance takes a good degree of knowledge not just of the insider secrets of bait substances but of the fish - and the water also; such bait-making information leads to being able to artificially create unique fish feeding opportunities that lead to multiple captures of big fish - even against more experienced or more talented anglers!

My own homemade baits have now caught me 4 UK lake records including a leather carp over 46 pounds and a mirror carp of over 49 pounds plus over thirty catfish caught in the UK weighing between 68 pounds and 120 pounds; homemade baits really work and this is why I am so enthusiastic about getting the word out - plus they can save you a fortune and give you even more confidence and satisfaction than any readymade bait ever will!

Now for some homemade food bait recipe ideas to get you started on the road to bait-making success that has a few alternative features and performance benefits - for big fish!

The bait recipe ideas below are very simple and anyone can make versions of them with confidence when aiming for big carp or catfish for instance. This bait is based primarily on highly digestible fish meal and not caseins to keep costs low and there are additions in it that you may or may not utilise to boost effects and performance and make your baits especially unique so this is good sound starter baits for budding bait makers.

When making baits it is an art and not just science so bear in mind that levels and ingredients can be adjusted to however you like and this bait although digestible and highly nutritionally attractive is not as optimised for digestion and stiumulation as is possible looking at this recipe from a scientific standpoint - there is great room for improvement here - but your fish will not mind at all!

7 ounces of low temperature easy-digest fish meal.
2 ounces of calcium caseinate (soluble lactic casein.)
1 ounce of 90 mesh casein or mixed caseins.
2 ounces of CC Moore Meggablend Red.
1 ounce of blood plasma.
1 ounce of hydrolysed poultry protein.
1 ounce of abalone extract.
1 ounce of chopped fennel seeds.

You might make this homemade mix using eggs plus liquid kelp complex and shellfish extract for instance plus perhaps a small dose of triple-filtered pure salmon oil plus a little krill oil to boost internal impacts.

You might want to use flavours, palatants, and appetite stimulators etc; try CC Moore Ultrasweet with corn sweet syrup for instance plus maybe some geranium essential oil mixed with eucalyptus and you might use a range of suppliers from online bait companies to your local health store and supermarkets and so on. (For much more detailed helpful information on making, adapting, designing and boosting all your baits see my dedicated website Baitbigfish right now!)

By Tim Richardson.

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: "BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!" "BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!" And "BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!" For these and much more now visit: http://www.baitbigfish.com the home of the world-wide proven homemade bait making and readymade bait success secrets bibles!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_F._Richardson